Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași Secția Chimie și Inginerie Chimică ISSN: 2537-2947
ISSN-L: 0254-7104
2024, Volume 70(74), Issue 2 (June), pp. 93 - 107
Sustainable Ergonomic Women's Clothing by Integrating Chemical Recycling
of Textile Fabrics
CARMEN BLEJAN, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University
of Iași, Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management, Iași, Romania
ANTONELA CURTEZA, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași,
Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management, Iași, Romania
Abstract The textile industry is the second most polluting industry
in the world, with a considerable impact on the environment due to
greenhouse gas emissions, high water and energy use, chemical pollution, and
by default the formation of a huge amount of textile waste. This has led to
an imbalance in nature through loss of biodiversity and global warming. This
analysis aims to provide an overview of the textile and fashion industry's
impact on the environment, social and economic, promoting sustainable and
ergonomic fashion. The paper also aims to punctually present the chemical
textile recycling methods used in recent years to combat the environmental
impact by transforming a waste product back into raw material. Keywords:
sustainability, ergonomic design, chemical recycling